This is the quick version of Icem’s birth story:
After not the easiest pregnancy and a rough last two weeks, Garret and I went into our 36 week appt. My blood pressure was high after an entire pregnancy of it being perfect. After further testing and monitoring I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and we were told we were going to have a baby that day! Due to Icem still being breech, we were prepped for a C-section. Garret was originally supposed to be out of town. I am so grateful that he was there, I couldn’t even imagine going through that without him! They started my treatment for preeclampsia, and prepped me for surgery. Garret made the necessary phone calls to our parents and to friends who helped get the hospital bag delivered and took care of our dogs. (Thank you Danielle and Lucas!). Our appointment was at 3:15 PM, and Icem was delivered at 6:59 PM on October 23rd! They lowered the drape to let us see him delivered and gave me skin-to-skin after drying him off. It was such an amazing experience! Although small by our families' standards, he was large for 36 weeks, weighing in at 7 lbs 14 oz and 20 ¾ inches long.
It was a rough first couple days as I finished the Magnesium drip for preeclampsia. I was pretty sick and bedridden. However, I had amazing doctors and nurses and was able to heal a little more each day I was in the hospital. My mom flew in the next day, Dad the day after that. We were admitted on Tuesday and discharged on Saturday. It felt so good to get home! My parents left the following Tuesday, and Garret’s mom flew in the same day. We were so lucky to have this support at the beginning!
With Icem coming 4 weeks early, we needed to call Seattle Children’s and move up his appointments. We were able to move them up to start November 12th (just under 3 weeks old). Ideally you would start casting within two weeks, but our doctor assured us that this shouldn’t make a difference in his treatment. We made plans for me and Icem to fly down November 5th (we flew first class and he slept the whole time!). Garret would follow on November 18th after finishing up some work in Alaska.
We had a beautiful baby boy and loved his feet! We faced a lot those first few days and knew we could take on the next phase.
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